eReceipts: A doorway to a more rewarding retail experience

The digitisation of processes and services presents many opportunities for retailers, yet sometimes the biggest opportunities are found in the smallest things.

For years paper receipts have been a useful, but annoying necessity for retailers and customers alike, as they act as a permanent record of a transaction’s time, date, location, and terms. But eReceipts change the game – eReceipts can improve the transaction and transform the experience.

Improving the transaction

Customers are always looking for faster and easier ways to do things, and once they’ve registered an email address, eReceipts are instant and effortless. Today’s customers also expect shopping experiences that work around them, whether online or in-store, so giving them the choice between paper and e-Receipt helps meet that expectation.

Returns and warranty issues are also simplified by eReceipts. With smartphones almost always in hand, customers are never more than a few clicks and a scroll from the documentation they need. And while no retailer wants returns, they are a fact of business, and eReceipts can minimise fraud while keeping customers happy. They can also help with inventory management, saving retailers time too.

Transforming the experience

The big win for retailers is a better understanding of their customers. If a customer uses eReceipts whether they’re shopping in-store or online, the retailer gains a single view of that customer’s wants and preferences.

This understanding can help retailers personalise their loyalty programs and promotions. Customers can be rewarded with the relevant offers at the time of purchase, or tempted back with offers for the things they really love.

For customers, eReceipts can become part of why they choose a brand. An eReciept could tell them the calorie count of the food they’ve just bought, or the carbon footprint of their new sofa. A customer’s eReceipts could automatically link to their ATO or NZIR tax return account.

No more envelopes stuffed with crumpled paper, but a seamless digital record ready to go, and all from a humble little receipt.

About Wpay

Wpay’s retail payments platform offers both digital and paper receipts.

Ready to move beyond payments?


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