If there’s one thing we’ve all learnt in the last 18 months, it’s how to interact with a Quick Response code. Five or six years ago you needed to download an app to read QR codes, today the native camera apps on our phones have built-in QR readers. And now, everyone knows it.


Ecommerce, Growth, Latest
In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, Wpay and Gr4vy have teamed up to introduce the
Growth, Latest, Retail
Wpay Payments Experience Lead Dain Saxon speaks about the opportunities within the payment space. He
Case studies
Shorty's, a corporate alcohol delivery company supplies ¾ of Sydney’s CBD businesses with their beverage
Case studies
Wpay provided a new solution, Scan & Go, that enabled shoppers to use the shopping
Case studies
Dan Murphys effectively uses the entire Wpay omnichannel offering to deal with countless payments securely
Growth, Latest, Most Popular, Retail
The digitisation of processes and services presents many opportunities for retailers, yet sometimes the biggest

“Partnering with Wpay puts us at the forefront of emerging technologies, so we can accelerate the delivery of innovative new solutions.”

Maria Lopez, CTO at Pet Culture

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